Vegan 7-Flavor Diet Porridge Mix (Pack of 14)

$140.00 USD
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Vegan 7-Flavor Diet Porridge Mix - USA

Indulge in a healthy and delicious meal with our Vegan 7-Flavor Diet Porridge Mix, crafted in the USA for your wellness and taste buds. Each pack, weighing between 100 - 115 grams, is perfect for preparing 2 - 4 bowls of hearty porridge. Whether you're enjoying a family meal or dining solo, our mix is conveniently portioned to suit your needs, allowing for 2-3 servings per individual.

Flavors that Delight:

  1. Sticky Rice & Lotus Seed: A comforting blend bringing a subtly sweet and nutty taste.
  2. Oatmeal & Peanut: Rich and savory with a classic, hearty feel.
  3. Walnut & Adzuki Bean: A nutty, creamy combination that's both satisfying and nutritious.
  4. Purple Sweet Potato & Black Bean: Earthy sweetness meets rich flavor in this colorful mix.
  5. Mung Bean & Buckwheat: A light, refreshing taste with a wholesome twist.
  6. Oatmeal & Pumpkin: Gently sweet and incredibly smooth for a comforting meal.
  7. Brown Rice & Red Bean: A full-bodied, nutritious base with a hint of sweetness.

Each packet is a blend of 8-12 types of premium, freshly selected grains and seeds. They are meticulously chosen, dried, and cleaned to ensure 100% retention of their nutritional value and safety. Our promise is a product free from unpleasant odors and impurities.

Our porridge is not only nutritious but also deliciously smooth and creamy, with a gentle, refreshing sweetness derived from the natural grains. It's an easy-to-prepare, comforting food that's perfect for any meal.

With 7 different flavors to choose from, you can enjoy a variety of tastes and keep your meals interesting and delightful. Each one is crafted to offer a unique and satisfying experience.

Key Features:

  • 100 - 115g per pack, perfect for 2 - 4 bowls.
  • A selection of 7 diverse and delicious flavors.
  • Made with 8-12 types of premium grains and seeds.
  • 100% natural ingredients, ensuring full nutritional value and safety.
  • Easy to prepare and enjoy, suitable for the whole family or individual servings.
  • A healthy, vegan-friendly option for weight management and general well-being.

Enjoy the wholesome goodness and delightful variety of our Vegan 7-Flavor Diet Porridge Mix, your go-to choice for a nutritious and satisfying meal!


Each pack contains 14 pcs